Onward NH. Recognize, Care, Connect. Early serious mental illness - a detour, not a destination.


What's Going On and What Can You Do?

Family Member or Friend

Encouraging People to Seek Help Early


Early Identification and Treatment


Early Identification and Intervention

Call/Text 1-833-710-6477 – If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis, you can call and speak to trained and caring clinical staff. You’ll be served by compassionate providers from mental health centers in your community who can help you access vital resources in an emergency.

211 NH is a statewide comprehensive, information and referral service. Specially trained Information and Referral Specialists are available to provide information regarding the most up to date resources 24 hours, 365 days a year. Multilingual assistance and TDD access are also available.

Call or text 988 for 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. (Chat option is also available at 988lifeline.org).

The 10 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) in New Hampshire are private, not-for-profit agencies that have contracted with the NH Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Behavioral Health (BBH). They provide publicly funded mental health services to individuals and families who meet criteria.

NITEO is an intensive, one-semester program supporting young adults who live with a mental health condition to develop wellness tools, academic skills, resilience, and work-readiness. Since its inception in 2014, hundreds of students have graduated from the program and moved on to thrive in higher education and meaningful work.

HOPE – Helping Overcome Psychosis Early

hope - helping overcome psychosis earlyHOPE is a treatment program offered by multiple NH Community Mental Health Centers. It is a collaborative, team-based approach to early psychosis care that includes case management, family education, individual therapy, medication management, and supported education and employment.

Center for Life Management, Derry/Salem
Coordinator: Sandy Norton, snorton@clmnh.org
Team Lead: Ashley O’Donnell, 603-965-0675, aodonnell@clmnh.org

Greater Nashua Mental Health, Nashua
Coordinators: Heather Carver, 603-889-6147, Ext. 3525 and Christine Ferrer, Ext. 3206

Monadnock Family Services, Keene
Coordinator: Lyla Austin, 603-499-3569, laustin@mfs.org

Seacoast Mental Health Center, Portsmouth/Exeter
Coordinators: Karla LaRochelle 603-957-5873, klarochelle@smhc-nh.org,  and Patty Driscoll, 603-957-5796, pdriscoll@smhc-nh.org

The Peer Support Agencies (PSAs) are located throughout New Hampshire. Peer support services are provided by and for people with a mental illness and are designed to assist people with their recovery. Peer support consists of supportive interactions based on shared experience and is intended to assist people to understand their potential to achieve their personal goals.

The Hearing Voices Network (HVN) USA is part of an international collaboration which incorporates a fundamental belief that the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences may be understood in a variety of ways. They incorporate the HVN approach to provide support, education, and training.

Callers are connected with, or can leave a message for, one of the trained NAMI NH staff. These individuals can help answer questions and provide specific information on NAMI NH programs and supports. They can also provide contact information for local community and national resources. Please note: This is not a hotline or a crisis service but is a phone line for families and individuals affected by mental illness/emotional disorders.

NAMI NH has built and helps maintain strong support networks throughout the state that are made up of people who have “been there”—they have personal experience with mental illness. Families and friends can participate in support groups that provide education and hope. There is also a group specifically for adults whose loved ones are experiencing psychosis. Register here for the early psychosis Online Family Support Group.

The FEP/ESMI Initiative has a Monthly Stakeholder Workgroup which meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 4:00-5:00 pm. The group’s focus is to help guide the FEP/ESMI Initiative, including public education and statewide early psychosis treatment.

All are welcome to join. For more information, please contact Ebony Martin emartin@naminh.org.

Personal Experiences

When I was young, I tried to hide my illness - to just be normal. I ended up suicidal and homeless. I wish I'd known I didn't have to be ashamed. Once I was honest about my experience, people could help me. I learned how to better address my symptoms.
A woman sitting with a smile on her face
Karen Privé
Individual with lived experience
Prevention and early intervention in addressing mental health is critical. Building healthy community one heart at a time one family at time in true YAGNA spirit.
Woman in a green jacket standing in front the the NH State House smiling
Representative Latha Mangipudi
Family member
Knowing my diagnosis early helped me understand my symptoms. I could put a name to the combination of thoughts, feelings, and emotions I experienced which allowed recovery to begin.
Man with a stone and stained glass wall in the background
Individual with lived experience and a provider
As adults, we want to help teens around us who may be struggling in silence. We can’t expect teens to come to us for help. We need to reach out and give them the information and resources they need to support each other.
Woman in a red shirt in front of a blue background
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